Wednesday, December 10, 2014

"The Waiting Place"

      Dare I argue one of Dr. Seuss’s greatest (and my favorite) works? Well, I will for just for a moment. Though everything in this book is spot on, “Oh! The Places You’ll Go” talks about getting stuck in “the waiting place”.

“Oh! The places You’ll Go” excerpt:

“You can get so confused
that you'll start in to race
down long wiggled roads at a break-necking pace
and grind on for miles cross weirdish wild space,
headed, I fear, toward a most useless place.
The Waiting Place...

...for people just waiting.
Waiting for a train to go
or a bus to come, or a plane to go
or the mail to come, or the rain to go
or the phone to ring, or the snow to snow
or the waiting around for a Yes or No
or waiting for their hair to grow.
Everyone is just waiting.”

       While yes, I agree that at some point in your life you will come to “the waiting place”, I beg to differ with good ole’ Dr. Seuss. I don’t think “the waiting place” is a useless space at all. After spending some time now in “the waiting place” I’ve come to find that in this place, I’ve learned more about myself and God than I have in years. It has been in this waiting place that I have found myself closer to God. Though I may have more questions now than when I entered and though I’m as far from perfect as perfect can be, I have found God here. I believe God brings us to “the waiting place”. Maybe you are waiting for where to go on your next mission’s trip, or what next step to take in your ministry. Maybe you’re waiting on direction from God or for something, somewhere to change. I don’t know?

 I guess you could say I entered “the waiting place” the moment my last plane touched down in Little Rock after returning from a life changing summer in Africa. During my first few weeks in Africa I was so focused on what God wanted me to do next, that I wasn’t focused on the present at all. I wanted to know right then where God wanted me next. Like, I needed an answer right then! I didn’t want to wait.  After weeks of praying and speaking with amazing missionaries, I had to put myself in check. It was as if I was challenging God for an answer. So, I checked myself and  I finally  stopped worrying and stressing about my future during the rest of my time Togo so I could put my all toward that place and those people. What an amazing summer it turned out to be! But, I guess in my head I just assumed that the second I got home I would have my answer. As if I would know where to start AIMing the second my plane landed. Well folks, I hate to say it, but that is not what happened. That didn’t happen at all. My fly hasn’t landed, the skies have not opened up and I haven’t heard God in an audible voice tell me where to go. Since August I have been in the dreaded “waiting place”. I’ve begged God for answers. I’ve been angry when I didn’t get them. I have been through a whirlwind of emotions here. I’ve cried, I’ve laughed, and I’ve been angry and happy all at the same time! (I sound like a total girl right?!) But seriously! It has been extremely frustrating! I have felt stuck and like I wasn’t ever getting out! It wasn’t until a few weeks ago that I came to a sudden realization. This time period, or this “place” of waiting wasn’t meant to be wasted in a crazy range of emotions and temper tantrums because I’m not getting my way, no! God brought me here to learn. To teach me patience, to allow me to grow spiritually, to learn to trust in Him alone. I was brought to “the waiting place” for a purpose. As has everyone else who has ever journeyed through “the waiting place”.

I can’t promise you’ll never find yourself here. I can’t promise you won’t get angry and I have no place to tell you not to. I can relate though. I can relate to the frustrations of the unknown. To can relate to begging God for answers. I can relate to being mad when not getting them. I can relate to feeling stuck! But, the most important thing I have learned in this place of waiting is that God would never purposely upset you nor would He ever hide His will from you.  God doesn’t want you to get angry every time a prayer isn’t answered or every time you don’t get your way. Remember that He has a beautiful and PERFECT will for your life. As my dear friend told me, “He would never give you a desire He doesn’t intend to fulfill.” But it will be on His time, in His way. Sure, you can go ahead and try to rush the process. You can give yourself an answer when God hasn’t. I won’t say that He won’t bless it, but just wait. Wait on HIS PERFECT WILL. Don’t be in such a hurry with life that you rush His plan. I promise you it is a divine process. Something plotted out so perfectly and beautifully in the Heavens that every second of waiting and every frustration will totally be worth it. Learn from my mistakes, take my advice, and don’t spend your time in “the waiting place” bitterly. Don’t be angry that God has brought you here. Accept it, learn and listen to what God wants to show you there. Yes, it will seem boring and like wasted time, but you’ll soon find that this place can turn out to be the best place. A place for growth. A place for change. A place to learn. A place to draw closer to Him. We find God in the waiting place. Better yet, He finds you there. After all the hustle and bustle is over and when the loudness turns to silence, that’s where God speaks. It was in these moments I’ve come to the realization that “the waiting place” is nothing to fear at all. The Waiting Place can be beautiful if you allow it to be. So when you find yourself here, because you will, Thank God for it. Thank Him for what He wants you to learn and remember “the waiting place” won’t last forever.

Until next time friends,
-Brandi Young