Friday, June 6, 2014

"Est-ce que je fais une photo?"

      The past 2 days have been amazing. So much has been learned. I feel so privileged to be able to sit and learn from these 3 AMAZING missionary couples. How lucky is that?! All of that knowledge and wisdom that gets taught down to us. I am just so amazed. Thank you Lord for this opportunity! You are so good! 
Wednesday night a few of us got to go to church the Sully's. It was so amazing to be back in African church! It's quite the experience! See the videos on Facebook ;) I'm tagged in them. Honestly I can't put the experience into words. :)
Today was a very emotional day. We laughed, we cried and most of all we prayed. During Brother Adams lesson He paused and let us know about another country. This country is approximately the size of Texas and Oklahoma. This place has over 16 MILLION people. That's a little over half the population of the U.S. In this country there is only ONE missionary couple. ONE couple that has answered the call to go. ONE couple for a country of 16 MILLION. That country is Nigeria, West Africa. I'm sure you all know what is going on in Nigeria. So we had ourselves a good prayer meeting for Nigeria and our missionaries there. Pray for their protection. Pray peace in the country. Most of all, pray for people to answer "the call". Pray they answer God's call to go. To go and be a missionary and bring the gospel. And please pray for our missionaries over there. 
Today we heard from Sister Poitras. What an amazing, amazing lady of God. I was on the verge of tears during her entire time speaking. She talked about "Sensing God's Direction." She told us about how she answered the call and the things they went through when on the missions field. But most of all how to hear God's call. She has such a passion for West Africa. She talked about the difficulties on and off the field. She said, "God provides you with clear direction when you HONESTLY seek Him" and to not make a single move without know without a shadow of a doubt that God has told you. Never rush God's plan. We must first present our bodies and become a living sacrifice. We must be Holy and acceptable to God. Allow God's will to be done in your life. "When God says go, you have one choice if you want to survive. You say yes." I was SO touched by her today. She is one amazing lady. I now want to strive to be like her. 
Brother Sully was talking about spiritual warfare. Which was a great message! During this He made a very valid point about the spirituality of Africans. He told a story about how someone once asked an African Missionary, "Why do Africans see the Holy Ghost so much?" His reply was pretty amazing. He said, "From birth Africans are introduced to the spirit realm. Through all kinds things good and bad. They are VERY spiritual in Africa." And that is so true! If you don't think Voodoo, magic and witchdoctors are real… you are highly mistaken! They are as real as the hairs on my head. West Africa is the birth place of VooDoo. Hollywood has desensitized these things to us through our movies, T.V. shows, music and even books. It's there people. We see and hear it everyday. We need to be smart about these things. For years we have been slowly leaking this evil into our lives… and I'll just stop right there because I'll start preaching. ;) 
After dinner this evening we went walking around another part of the village. So many kids have stolen my heart already. They are so happy. So giving. They have not a thing to their name, not a thing, yet they are so happy. Its a pure happiness. If that makes any sense. I pray I can have that kind of happiness. We passed some muslims doing their daily prayers. My heart just went out to them. They have no idea who the real God is. All I could do was pray God give someone enough courage and boldness to go reach out to them. I passed a little family sitting on the side of the roads by their home (shack). One was reading and the others were playing and laughing. I asked "Est-ce que je fais une photo?" Which is "Can I take your photo?" in french. :) they were estatic and of course agreed. I took a few pics and showed them on my camera. You would of thought I gave them a million dollars. Their faces lit up with pure joy! Just to see themselves on a camera screen. I became immediately convicted. Here I am with 4 things to take pictures on. I can see them whenever I want. I can take them whenever I want. It's an everyday thing. How spoiled are we in America? Until you have seen this kind of poverty you have no idea. We are so spoiled. I literally walked away in tears. At their pure, happiness. These people are so amazing. That's the only word I can find to describe them. 
        O.k. So our "compound" cause "SIL" is located right in the middle of this "village/town" thing. Well, to the right there is a Baptist church. There are muslims all around us. And down the road is the Chief of the Voodoo tribe in Togo. So we hear ALL kinds of sounds around here. You can hear the Muslims calling for prayer at nearly every hour of the day! The Baptist church is always getting down! Their music is so pretty :) Haven't heard any voodoo activity. Yet, but it is to be expected. In Jesus name, touch them! 
     Tomorrow we have our first kids crusade! Since Sunday is Pentecost Sunday, we are having "Pentecost Saturday for Kids". 400 kids are to be expected, as well as the Holy Ghost :) I will let you know how it goes. Please be in prayer for these services! We are having them for 5 weeks! :)  
 We are having to go on a "WiFi schedule" because it is so slow here. Mine started today and I won't be able to get back on till Monday. It's a 3 day rotation. So on my "on" days I'll update as best as possible. So keep watching! Love you all! 

Until next time,
-Brandi :) 

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